How to Start a Business in Saudi Arabia 2023

So you’re looking to dive into the rich and varied world of business in Saudi Arabia this year? Starting a business anywhere can be a maze, and you don’t want to get lost in the paperwork, right. If you’re wondering how to start a business in Saudi Arabia, you’re about to delve into a dynamic and diverse business environment. Let’s explore this journey together, but let’s start with the question, why Saudi Arabia?

First, Why to Start a Business in Saudi Arabia?

Over the past several years, Saudi Arabia has successfully diversified beyond its oil reserves and is a hub for various industries. Whether your interests lie in the booming tech world of Riyadh or the cultural resurgence in Jeddah’s arts sector, there’s a niche for every budding entrepreneur. With the Saudi Vision 2030 strategy in action, Saudi Arabia is embracing a diversified economic model, providing entrepreneurs with myriad options ranging from tech zones to entertainment hubs.

Diverse Business Opportunities

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is a land of opportunities waiting to be tapped. Over the past few decades, the nation has expanded beyond oil and is now a buzzing hive for various sectors. Whether you’re eyeing the burgeoning tech industry in Riyadh or thinking about capitalizing on the cultural renaissance in Jeddah’s arts scene, there’s a spot for every entrepreneur. And, with the Saudi Vision 2030 plan in motion, the nation is embracing diversification like never before. From entertainment zones to tech hubs, the avenues are vast and varied.

Strategic Location

When it comes to how to start a business in Saudi Arabia, its strategic location plays a pivotal role.Geography is destiny, they say. And in the case of Saudi Arabia, this couldn’t be more accurate. Perched comfortably between Asia, Africa, and Europe, Saudi Arabia is a crossroads of civilizations and commerce. This prime position not only offers businesses access to the massive Middle Eastern market but also acts as a gateway to African and European markets. Whether you’re looking at export-import opportunities or thinking about setting up a regional headquarters, the Kingdom beckons with its central location.

100% Business Ownership

One of the significant steps towards understanding how to start a business in Saudi Arabia is recognizing the ownership regulations. As of 2016, foreigners can own 100% of their businesses in Saudi Arabia. That applies to many sectors such as Constructions, Information Technology, Tourism, Health, Education, Media, Logistics, Food Services, and Manufacturing, etc.

For certain sectors, such as insurance, reinsurance, financing, and professional consultations, it is required to partner with Saudi shareholders to ensure regulatory compliance and establish a strong local presence.

Growing Economy with Vision 2030

Saudi Arabia is not resting on its laurels. With the ambitious Vision 2030 economic plan, the nation is aiming for the stars. They’re looking at reducing their dependency on oil and focusing on non-oil sectors, opening up an array of opportunities for new businesses. Be it tourism with new resorts on the Red Sea coast, or the push for a more digital economy, the landscape is changing, and changing fast. For those contemplating how to start a business in Saudi Arabia, the present moment appears opportune.

how to start a business in saudi arabia

Embracing Modernity While Holding Onto Tradition

A captivating facet of understanding how to start a business in Saudi Arabia is recognizing the intricate balance between modernization and tradition. One of the intriguing aspects of starting a business in Saudi Arabia is the blend of old and new. While the nation is modernizing at a rapid pace, there’s a deep respect for traditions and cultural norms. This juxtaposition offers businesses a unique environment to introduce modern solutions while catering to traditional needs.

Saudi Arabia’s Giga Projects: A Glimpse into the Future

NEOM: The City of Tomorrow

NEOM, with an expected investment of over $500 billion, is envisaged to be a beacon of innovation, sustainability, and global trade. Strategically located to connect Asia, Europe, and Africa, this project aims to diversify Saudi Arabia’s economy beyond oil. The city is intended to focus on nine specialized investment sectors: energy and water, mobility, biotech, food, technological and digital sciences, advanced manufacturing, media, and entertainment. The emphasis on renewable energy and innovative technology positions NEOM as a model for future urban developments.

The Red Sea Project: A Luxurious Getaway

Saudi Arabia’s west coast is being transformed into a global luxury tourism destination through The Red Sea Project. The initiative seeks to capitalize on the region’s diverse ecosystem, ranging from vast desert landscapes to mountain ranges and coral reefs. The project champions sustainability, ensuring that development does not compromise the environment. Once completed, businesses will be presented with myriad opportunities in the sustainable hospitality and eco-tourism sectors.

Qiddiya: The Capital of Entertainment, Sports, and Arts

Located proximate to the capital, Riyadh, Qiddiya is envisioned to be a hub for entertainment, sports, and the arts. This ambitious project is designed to cater to Saudi Arabia’s young population’s recreational and cultural needs, offering world-class entertainment options right at their doorstep. From state-of-the-art amusement parks to cultural forums and sports arenas, Qiddiya seeks to establish Saudi Arabia as a premier entertainment destination.

AMAALA: Nature’s Own Luxury

The AMAALA project, situated in the northwestern region, is designed to be a haven for wellness, luxury, and art. By leveraging the region’s serene landscapes and rich history, AMAALA seeks to attract a global audience seeking rejuvenation and cultural immersion. This project signifies opportunities for businesses within the luxury wellness, cultural tourism, and high-end hospitality sectors.

AMAALA - how to start a business in saudi arabia

How Can Help You Begin Your Journey?

Understanding how to start a business in Saudi Arabia in 2023 can be as exhilarating as it is challenging. The Kingdom, with its burgeoning markets and vast opportunities, beckons to international businesses with the allure of untapped potential. Yet, diving into these waters without a compass can be daunting. is your guide to setting up your enterprise seamlessly in Saudi Arabia in 2023.

In the constantly evolving business scene of Saudi Arabia, understanding market dynamics is paramount. While various entities offer insights, brings knowledge and expertise to help you navigate the KSA market. With a nuanced approach to market feasibility, our team provides an unvarnished view of the landscape, tailoring strategies to your business’s unique needs. We don’t just offer data; we provide actionable insights, ensuring you make decisions anchored in sound research.

Choosing the right legal framework for your business is a linchpin in your venture’s success. With myriad options available, each carrying its implications, making an informed choice is imperative. Our extensive experience in the Saudi business environment allows us to not only advise on the ideal structure but also to streamline the incorporation process. We understand the importance of agility in today’s business world, ensuring you move from planning to operation in record time.

However, understanding how to start a business in Saudi Arabia doesn’t end with its establishment; it’s about thriving within the market.. Tax and VAT regulations, licensing protocols, and local compliance can often become challenging. transforms these challenges into milestones of success. Our longstanding expertise in Saudi taxation and regulatory affairs means you’re always a step ahead, primed for growth and prosperity.


Starting a business in Saudi Arabia in 2023 presents a whirlwind of opportunities. With the nation’s transformative Vision 2030 in full swing and monumental Giga Projects underway, there’s a palpable dynamism in the Kingdom’s economic landscape. Navigating the process might seem intricate at first, but with the wealth of resources and support from both government and private entities, entrepreneurs are well-equipped to plant their flag in Saudi Arabia’s burgeoning market. Remember, understanding how to start a business in Saudi Arabia isn’t just about navigating administrative processes; it’s about embracing a vibrant and ever-evolving business landscape. Saudi Arabia’s business horizon is vast and waiting for visionaries like you!