Validation and background checks
Why do you need it?
In order to ensure the eligibility of the beneficiaries, vendors and service providers to governmental subsidies and programs, proper research and validation of their paperwork must be processed. offers a unique and reliable document validation service that has been tested with multiple governmental agencies before.
Beside that, you always want to ensure the money goes to entities that are represented by individuals with clean records and background checks, especially when the spending is of public money.
What is this service?
Validation is the process of tracing and validation of local and international government-produced documentation for companies and individuals offered with the highest operational excellence levels by
This is combined with the service of performing full research on the background of certain individuals dealing with your agency, whether governmental or nongovernmental for the purpose of ensuring clean reputation and avoiding potential risks on the public image of your entity.
How can help? will take over the whole verification process on your behalf. We will collect, vet and verify every company that works with or benefits from your agency to ensure proper spending of public money and avoid fraud, scam or any other potential breaches. has also developed a comprehensive guide and process for the background checks and implemented this process with multiple governmental agencies before. We give you the confidence to choose which entities to work with and avoid any potential firebacks from the background, digital presence, geographical presence or any other potential areas of risk for the entities, investors, founders, managers or other individuals related to the entities you will be dealing with.
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